Luis Outeiro

Contact Information

Institute of Marine Research (CSIC)

Eduardo Cabello, 6. Vigo. Pontevedra. 36208 (Spain)

(+34) 986231930



Research interest

Laureate in Geography from the University of Santiago de Compostela and PhD in Physical Geography at the University of Barcelona (UB). I developed the doctoral phase within the topics of terrestrial and river ecology within the GRAM research group of the UB (Mediterranean Environmental Research Group). At that stage I worked on Bayesian-type spatial modeling techniques and tools such as Geostatistics (variogram and various types of kriging). I took advantage of these techniques to apply to soil ecology, forest ecology, fire ecology and the problem of large forest fires. At this stage I was able to take part in research stays (Portugal, United Kingdom, Australia and the United States), participate in two Research MEC (Spain) projects, be hired in a project of the Ministry of Environment of France, and win a pre-doctoral FPU of the Spanish Ministry for 4 Years with which I could take the opportunity to be a lecturer at the University of Barcelona. My first “scientific” approach to the topics of fishing and marine ecology is taking place in the first post-doctoral competition that I obtained in 2012 in the post-doctoral calls FONDECYT of Chile. I obtained funding to develop a project focused on the Inner Sea of Chiloé (Chilean Patagonia) in which I worked on spatial distribution modelling of sessile species, models of aquaculture environmental impact and spatial modeling of marine and coastal ecosystem services. At this stage I also could develop a multidisciplinary approach working with anthropologists, sociologists, economists, ecologists, aquaculture, administration management technicians to be able to design marine spatial planning strategies with an emphasis on marine ecosystem services. At the end of this phase I approached the issue of ecology of ecosystems and the trophic modeling of marine ecosystems, using the Ecopath with Ecosim tool and after a brief post-doctorate in the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, I obtained funding to develop the postdoctoral project of the Xunta de Galicia within the I2C (Innovation, Research and Growth) program for 3 years 2015-2018. I am currently developing this project and topic with the help of the IIM Fisheries Ecology group after two stays at the Institut pour le Recherche et Developpment (Sète, France) and at the UBC Institute of Oceans and Fisheries. One of the objectives of this project is to answer the question of carrying capacity from an ecosystem perspective of mussel rafts in Ría de Arousa. It is also intended to provide new knowledge about the distribution of some species (Zostera, Aequipecten opercularis, etc.) and obtain abundance and biomass estimates from more than 70 vertebrate and invertebrate species that make up the Arousa ecosystem. In addition to modeling the value chain and the economic flows of that value chain that goes from the artisanal fisherman to the final consumer to be able to contribute new knowledge that gives rise to public policies oriented towards marine ecosystems more sustainable, efficient and with greater social justice and equality.


Research production