Work in progress

Currently the Fisheries Ecology group is immersed in the development of several research projects: two national and one European. You can check the details of such projects in the following links:

  • Study of exploited populations of fish in Flemish Cap European Union (AIR1 CT92-0558/DG XIV 94-043/96-030/98-048/00-028)
  • REC2: Settlement and recruitment processes in fish species of interest to recreational fishing (2012-2014) MICINN CTM2011-23835
  • CRAMER: Ecology of hake recruitment: implications for resource management (2010-2013) MICINN CTM2010-21856-C03-01


In addition the team is involved in various working groups and research networks. The most noteworthy are:


We are also currently colaborating in a taggin program of pelagic sharks leaded by Gonzalo Mucientes.

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