Category: Uncategorized


Ocean twilight zone project

Cristina, one of our PhD students, who is in the final PhD periods, will be on board on a research survey which is part of the Ocean twilight zone project, led by scientists from Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, where she did her research stay at Woods Hole with Joel LlopizRead More

Citizen Science within project #iGENTAC (spanish)

El pasado 25 de febrero presentamos nuestra acción de ciencia ciudadana dentro del proyecto iGENTAC. Aquí tenéis el video de la presentación: Ya sabéis donde podéis poneros en contacto con nosotros para participar.

Inhabitants of our acoustic receivers

We have been working on our acoustec telemtry array in the National Park “Illas Atlánticas de Galicia”( since 2019 and, besides the valuable amount of data, the array give us nice surprises. We see evidence that our system is already part of life history of marine life. Some examples ofRead More