Rafael Bañón


Contact information:

Eduardo Cabello, 6. Vigo. Pontevedra. 36208 (Spain)

(+34) 986231930 ext. 241



Research interests

Artisanal fisheries, octopus biology and fishery, fish integrative taxonomy, ichthyofauna of seamounts, impact of climate change on fishes, marine exotic species, biogeography and fishers and fisheries anthropology.



  • 1988: Degree in Biological Sciences specialty of Marine Biology, University of Santiago de Compostela.
  • 1997: MASTER en Ciencia y Tecnología de Conservación de productos derivados de la pesca, University of Vigo, 60 créditos.
  • 2016: PhD by the University of Vigo (“Fish taxonomy and biogeography).


Professional profile

  • 1996 –1998: Senior Research Scientist, Instituto Español de Oceanografía IEO, Vigo, Spain
  • 1999 – 2015: Biologist, Xunta de Galicia, Santiago de Compostela, Spain
  • Published a total of 8 books or book chapters, 49 scientific papers and 17 conference contributions.
  • Participated in 7 R+D projects.


Research production

Selected publications

  1. Bañon, R., D. Villegas-Ríos, A. Serrano, G. Mucientes & J.C. Arronte. 2010. Marine fishes from Galicia (NW Spain): an updated checklist. Zootaxa, 2667: 1–27.
  2. Bañón, R., J.C. Arronte, S. Vázquez-Dorado, J.L. del Río & A. de Carlos. 2013. DNA barcoding of the genus Lepidion (Gadiformes: Moridae) with recognition of Lepidion eques as a junior synonym of Lepidion lepidion. Molecular Ecology Resources, 13: 189–199.
  3. Villegas-Ríos, D., J. Alós, M. Palmer, S.K. Lowerre-Barbieri, R. Bañón, A. Alonso-Fernández, F. Saborido-Rey. 2014. Life-history and activity shape catchability in a sedentary fish. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 515: 239–250.
  4. Barros-García, D., Bañón, R., J.C. Arronte & A. de Carlos. 2016. New data reinforcing the taxonomic status of Lepidion eques as synonym of Lepidion lepidion (Teleostei, Gadiformes). Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 68: 6-10.
  5. Bañón R., Otero J., Campelos-Álvarez J.M., Garazo A., Alonso-Fernández A. (2018) The traditional small-scale octopus trap fishery off the Galician coast (Northeastern Atlantic): Historical notes and current fishery dynamics Fisheries Research, 206: 115-128
  6. Alonso-Fernández A., Otero J., Bañón R., Campelos J.M., Quintero F., Ribó J., Filgueira F., Juncal L., Lamas F., Gancedo A., Molares J. (2019) Inferring abundance trends of key species from a highly developed small-scale fishery off NE Atlantic Fisheries Research, 209: 101-116

3 Comments to Rafael Bañón

  1. […] Rafael Bañón Díaz, ictiólogo Carlos Linneo por Alexander Roslin, 1775. Retrato en la Real Academia Sueca de las Ciencias […]

  2. […] de estas o de otras especies, por favor, conservdelo (hielo, frigorífico, etc.) y contactad con Rafa Bañón (IIM-CSIC-Vigo) en los teléfonos 655 22 09 49 ; 986 49 21 11 ; 986 231 930 o mediante correo […]

  3. […] the secong week of June 2018, in the VII CONGRESS OF THE IBERIAN SOCIETY FOR ICTHYOLOGY, Rafa Bañón will present our last contribution to the study of weakfish in Galician […]

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