Tag: divugation


Seminar: Advances in the assessment of Galician artisanal fisheries

This 23th October 2015, Friday, the auditorium of the Institute of Marine Research in Vigo (CSIC) will host the seminar “Advances in the assessment of Galician artisanal fisheries”. The seminar, conducted by Alexandre Alonso-Fernandez and Jaime Otero, will be of public acces.   View Larger Map   After the seminar,Read More

New book: “OCTOPUS! The Most Mysterious Creature in the Sea”

  By J. Otero Villar   Cephalopoda is a class of mollusks originated more than 500 Ma ago. It comprises around 700 species mostly included into four groups commonly known as octopods, squids, cuttlefishes and nautiluses. Cephalopods are usually opportunist animals, with a short life span of often no moreRead More


The scientific photography contest InvestigArte was born last year as an initiative of a group of young researchers who are not satisfied with their investigations remain restricted to the scientific, but aim to break this barrier and show their work to society and the impact having thereon. The competition is organizedRead More