Tag: Fisheries


Hotspots for sharks and fishermen (In spanish)

Nice post about the recent publication “Ocean-wide tracking of pelagic sharks reveals extent of overlap with longline fishing hotspots”. Original post in the blog Blue Ecology.   […] Un nuevo estudio publicado en la prestigiosa revista PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences) determinó un importante solapamiento espacial entre los “puntos calientes”Read More


The The Federal Rural University of Pernambuco (UFRPE) has the honor to organize and invite all to the III Latin American Symposium on Reproductive Ecology, Recruitment and Fishery #SIBECORP3, which will take place from 22 to 26 November 2015, in Porto de Galinhas, Ipojuca – Pernambuco. This event is the responseRead More

Workshop to promote Norway-Spain cooperation in the fisheries research field

Vigo, May 20th– 21st of 2014   INTRODUCTION The cooperation between the Fisheries Ecology Group from the Institute of Marine Research (IIM-CSIC, Spain), the Oceanographic Center of Vigo and A Coruña from the Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO, Spain) and the Demersal Fish Group from the Institute of Marine Research (IMR,Read More