Update of Handbook of applied fisheries reproductive biology

Although FRESH ended some years ago, we are still publishing FRESH products. Now it is the time for chapter 3-Maturity, within the “Handbook of applied fisheries reproductive biology for stock assessment and management” ( Domínguez-Petit, Rosario ; Anastasopoulou, Aikaterini; Cubillos, Luis; Gerritsen, Hans D.; Gonçalves, Patricia; Hidalgo, Manuel ; Kennedy, James; Korta, María; Marteinsdottir, Gudrún; Morgado, Cristina; Muñoz, Marta; Quincoces, Iñaki; Saínza, María; Thorsen, Anders; Vitale, Francesca).

You can download it for free at http://digital.csic.es/handle/10261/87787


As most of you know chapter 4- Egg production was published in 2014 (hdl.handle.net/10261/87768), and we expect to publish chapter 5-Elasmobranches Reproductive Potential, this year. Chapters 1 and 2 are still in preparation and hopefully we will finish the glossary this year as well.



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