
Oceanographic surveys of the DREAMER project finished and now it is time to process all the material sampled in the lab.

Distribution, daily growth and trophic dynamics of hake larvae are some of the main aspects in which research team will be focusedin the coming months (AZTI / CSIC).


This last survey, # DRE0617, has also contributed to the larval sampling of cephalopods for the project CALECO  (Demography and trophic relationships of squid larvae in an oceanographic outcrop area – CTM2015-69519-R: Ángel González). Staff of the Marine Ecology and  Biodiversity group of the IIM-CSIC gave us support during the survey.

We also had the opportunity to participate in one of the outreach activities of the European project LIFE LEMA, coordinated by AZTI, dedicated to marine litter. We released dozens of small wooden boats painted by schoolchildren at a particular point on Galician coast to raise awareness of the impact of waste thrown into the marine environment. Some of them soon arrived to beaches in the area of ​​Asturias.

More than satisfied with the work done. Congratulations and thanks to all the staff of AZTI, IIMUTM  and crew of Sarmiento de Gamboa for your good work.


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