Intership oppportunity “JAE Intro”

The extract of the Resolution of March 13, 2019, from the Presidency of the State Agency for Higher Council of Scientific Research, for which scholarships for the introduction of research “JAE Intro” have been published. Destiny for master students

Scholarships for stays of 5 consecutive months, to be carried out from September 1, 2019 or October 1, 2019 in Institutes and Centers of the CSIC. The granting of the scholarships will be 3,000 euros and the deadline for submitting applications is from April 9 to May 7, 2019.

Our group offers the following expression of interest for possible candidates:


Spatial ecology of coastal elasmobrachii (Raja spp.) within marine protected areas of Galicia



The work to be developed is part of the research project “Monitoring Acoustic Telemetry of the Behavior of Coastal Species and Evaluation of the Protection of a Marine Protected Area” (TAC) of the high-tide program of the Biodiversity Foundation, co-financed by the FEMP. The main objective of the work is the study of the spatial ecology of coastal elasmobranchs in marine protected areas of Galicia using acoustic telemetry techniques.

For more information about the project contact Alexandre Alonso or Fran Saborido.

Soon all the expressions of interest available in the CSIC will be published, stay tuned to the Departamento de Posgrado y Especialización (DPE) del CSIC (you can follow them in your twitter account @DPE_CSIC).

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