Handbook of applied fisheries reproductive biology for stock assessment and management

Dear colleagues,

It has been a while since FRESH (Fish Reproduction and Fisheries COST action) ended, but we are still producing agreed deliverables. As you may remember one of those is the “Handbook of applied fisheries reproductive biology for stock assessment and management”. This book project is progressing slow, but progressing. It has five chapters and a glossary, which will be released as they are ready, chapter by chapter, and then the whole book.
It is a pleasure to communicate that chapter 4: Egg production, has been launched and can be downloaded from: https://digital.csic.es/handle/10261/87768

The chapters, and the book, are being published by digital.CSIC; so the chapter has been given a doi: 10261/87768. As such it is fully citable, as:

  • Ganias K., Murua H, Claramunt G., Dominguez-Petit R., Gonçalves P., Juanes F., Keneddy J., Klibansky N., Korta M., Kurita Y., Lowerre-Barbieri S., Macchi G., Matsuyama M., Medina A., Nunes C., Plaza G., Rideout R., Somarakis S., Thorsen A., Uriarte A., Yoneda M. 2014. Chapter 4: Egg production, 109 pp. In Handbook of applied fisheries reproductive biology for stock assessment and management, eds. R. Domínguez-Petit, H. Murua, F. Saborido-Rey and E. Trippel. Vigo, Spain. Digital CSIC. https://digital.csic.es/handle/10261/87768
Hope you can enjoy this chapter and that you find it useful.

Kind regards


Fran Saborido-Rey
Institute of Marine Research (CSIC)

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